Walking Tour 4
Main Post Office
Duration | 1 800 m |
Ascent | 20 m |
Time | 30 min |
Consumption of energy: (70 kg) | 360 kJ |
Consumption of energy: (80 kg) | 431 kJ |
Main Post Office
Walk down Třída T. G. Masaryka (T. G. Masaryk Avenue), turn left to Krále Jiřího (King George) Street, then right to Svahová Street and continue along the edge of the forest park above the courthouse and the Town Hall. Walk down Vrázova Street to Tuhnice and then through Šumavská Street to the "Šumavská" stop of bus line No. 2.
Main Post Office
Hlavní pošta (Main Post Office) is an important divider of the business and spa districts of Karlovy Vary. The building was constructed in 1903 according to the design of architect Friedrich Setz. In its time, it belonged among the most modern postal facilities in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Above the pilasters at the third-floor level, you may admire four allegorical statues representing the Telegraph, Railway Transport, Water Transport, and the Post. The building is a protected historical monument.