Walking Tour 11
Zámecký vrch (Castle Hill)
Duration | 3 300 m |
Ascent | 85 m |
Sestup | 100 m |
Time | 50 min |
Consumption of energy: (70 kg) | 833 kJ |
Consumption of energy: (80 kg) | 950 kJ |
Zámecký vrch
Go up Sovova stezka (Sova's Path) along the Myslivna (Gamekeeper's Lodge) Sanatorium towards the Diana. Turn right at the crossroads and continue down the gently declining Rohanova stezka (Rohan's Path) to Krále Jiřího (King George) Street. Walk to the right along the Trocnov House and down to the pond by the Malé Versailles (Small Versailles) Restaurant.
The starting point is located in the residential district formerly known as Westend. The name of the district is credited to its immense popularity especially among English visitors. The district is dominated by the Bristol Palace Sanatorium built in 1893. Before turning to Sovova stezka (Sova's Path), you will undoubtedly notice the Anglican Church of Saint Lucas erected in 1877. It was built in English Neo-Gothic style according to the design of Josef Mothes.