Spring site: Mill Colonnade
Location: On the left bank of the Teplá River in the spa centre of Karlovy Vary
Date of first interception: 1870s
Temperature: 61,5°C
Yield: Between 3 and 5 litres per minute
CO2 content: 550 mg per litre
Accessibility: Freely accessible
How to get there
Route 1: You may reach the Mill Colonnade if you start from the Hot Spring in the city centre and walk down Tržiště (Market) Street and Lázeňská (Spa) Street along the Market Colonnade on the left bank of the Teplá River. The spring seep is located inside the promenade hall of the Mill Colonnade. The short walk through the spa centre is approximately 500 metres long and takes about 10 minutes.
Route 2: The second alternative is to travel by Bus No. 1 or Bus No. 4 from the "Tržnice" (Market) city bus terminal to the "Lázně III" (Spa III) terminal stop. From there, walk about 200 metres across Lázeňský most (Spa Bridge) over the Teplá River and continue along Mlýnské nábřeží (Mill Embankment) directly to the Mill Colonnade.
The spring was first discovered during the construction of the stone Mill Colonnade, which was built between 1871 and 1871 according to the design of Josef Zítek. Water was supplied to the spring bowl from four smaller seeps located in the space below the orchestra pit. It had been known as pramen Alžbětiných růží (Spring of Elizabeth's Roses) until 1947 when it received its current name.
Since the Libuše Spring is one of the thermal mineral springs rising on the premises of the largest colonnade in Karlovy Vary, it is visited by crowds of spa guests and visitors coming to Karlovy Vary.
Libuše Spring