Beer bath with aeromassage

Real Beer bath with aero massage

Bathing in the bathtub with unfiltered unpasteurized beer from our brewery (these are B vitamins) makes your skin velvety and your hair silky. And also this is super relax!

The aqueous solution of truly live unfiltered beer is also saturated with proteins, carbohydrates, a full range of amino acids and vitamins, organic acids, trace elements (iron, potassium, etc.)

Real Beer bath beneficial effect the human body.

It has a beneficial effect on

  • A warm, bubbling beer solution cleanses the skin, opens the pores, removes toxins from the body and saturates the body with all the beneficial substances contained in the beer.

  • Massages the entire body, relieves muscle tension, warms the joints.

  • Acts as ANTI-STRESS: the improvement of the heart and the entire circulatory system is strengthened.

  • Air massage improves skin regeneration and increases its elasticity, promotes weight loss, regulates excessive sweating, normalizes blood pressure, and positively affects potency.

  • Thus, the work of the whole organism becomes more balanced, the vitality of a person is restored, and immunity is increased.

Duration of treatment: 60 minutes


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