Ticket price
viz Ceník
Not only the foundation of the whole Baroque building is worth your attention under the Mary Magdalena Church, there are also the unique Tomb of God, a collection of sprudel water sediments or a preserved path which used to run round the original gothic church. Skeletal remains from the abolished cemetery, which used to be at the church in earlier times, are kept in the crypt.
The visitor gets interesting information about both the history of the church and its close vicinity during a 30-minute-tour.
There are no scheduled dates.
Opening hours
Excursions run from May to October.
The reception/cash desk is located on the 1st floor of the Hot Spring Colonnade.
May, June, September, October: Thursday to Sunday 10:00 - 17:00
July and August: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 - 17:00
Website: https://splzak.cz/
E-mail: exkurze@splzak.com (orders and information)
Tel: +420 353 362 125
All information about prices can be found on the page: Pricelist | SPLZaK