Svatošské Rocks

Trip type: Cycle, On foot
What is on the way: Geocaching
Distance from KV: 3 km

Formation of the rock structures

The granite rock town was created by the Ohře River forcing its way through the Karlovy Vary granite massif between Loket and Doubí, forming a deep canyon. On the left bank of the river a high granite wall appeared. In the course of time, the rock groups split into massive rock pillars and pinnacles due to gradual wind, rain and frost erosion.

Traditional tourist destination

In the first half of the 19th century, the bizarre rock formations of the romantic river valley full of rapids became a popular destination of Karlovy Vary spa guests. The rocks were named after many local legends about a petrified wedding procession. Opposite the rocks used to stand a small inn for excursionists, visited often by hackney carriages from Doubí and Karlovy Vary. The inn offered its guests boats to rent. At the time of romanticism, the natural creation, riddled with legends, inspired many artists. Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Theodor Körner or Sigmund Freud, to name a few who created their own literary or theatrical representation of the story. The local legend also appeared in a book of fairy tales collected by the Grimm Brothers.

In 1933, the rock town was recognized as a protected natural creation for its uniqueness, and in 2007, the Svatoš Rocks were declared The Jan Svatoš National Natural Monument. Protected are the unique geomorphological granite rock formations, reaching up to 50 metres, with their distinctive block jointing. On the site there are preserved fragments of the original pine forests with rare and endangered plant species.

How to get there

The romantic valley is only accessible on foot, by bike or canoe. Marked tourist routes of the surrounding wooded hills start in Loket, Doubí near Karlovy Vary and Cihelny. The National Natural Monument is part of a 10 kilometre long trail running from Doubí to the Svatoš Rocks with 12 stops offering various information from geology, archaeology, history and botany. The rock town lies on the cycle path that runs from Karlovy Vary to Loket. It is part of the backbone cycling route No. 204. Nearby the rocks, there are two popular restaurants for excursionists to be found, along with a footbridge across the Ohře River known as the "swing bridge". The Svatoš Rocks offer ideal conditions for climbing.


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Svatošské Rocks

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