Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in Rybáře

Pseudo-Romanesque three-aisle church

Location: In Náměstí 17. listopadu (17th November Square) in the Karlovy Vary district of Rybáře
Period of construction: Between 1904 and 1906
Architect: K. Schaden
Official opening: 1906
Accessibility: Accessible during religious services

How to get there

Route 1:        You may take a long walk from the spa centre to the church. From the Hot Spring, walk along the Teplá River up to the Tržnice (Market) city bus terminal where you will cross Chebský most (Cheb Bridge) into the district of Rybáře. Continue down Sokolovská Street to the church, which stands in Náměstí 17. listopadu (17th November Square). This route is approximately 3 kilometres long and takes about 45 minutes.

Route 2:        If you decide for the second, easier route, take Bus No. 1,Bus No. 9, Bus No. 12, Bus No. 13, Bus No. 15 or Bus No. 22 from the "Tržnice" (Market) stop to the "Keramická škola" (School of Ceramics) stop. The church is only about 200 metres from the bus stop.

History of the structure

The new parish Church of the Exaltation of the Cross was constructed on a vacant plot in the middle of the rapidly growing district of Rybáře in Pseudo-Romanesque style between the years 1904 and 1906 by local builders Norbert and Alois Sichert according to the design of architect K. Schaden from the Supreme Building Office in Prague. The new church was to replace the no longer satisfactory medieval Church of Saint Urban that stood on a small hill above Rybáře. With its prismatic tower and triapsidal head, the three-aisle Pseudo-Romanesque basilica dominating the Karlovy Vary district of Rybáře is a perfect example of sacral architecture of the early 20th century. The church interior houses a part of the Baroque inventory of the closed Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in the municipality of Svatobor in Doupovské hory (Doupov Mountains).


Mapa hotelu

Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in Rybáře

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